Wednesday, March 11, 2009


If you haven't, go ahead and read the directions so you know what's going on... they're at the bottom.

Wednesday- Satan’s Perspective

Joy! Pride!

I am the epitome of awesome!

I feel great because I feel like I just battled God, and won. I could call it satisfaction. I mean, what’s He gonna do now? I just screwed up His perfect creation, His “prized possession.” They aren’t so special now are they! Ha! God created them and I convinced them to turn on Him in just a short conversation with those useless humans. Now I have them forever. I bet He never saw that coming. Probably doesn’t even have a backup plan...

Oh wait, could He have a backup plan?

What does it matter anyway, if I made such quick work of these two I’m sure I can handle whatever He throws at me. Just let Him try again with one of these stupid “humans.”

What are they compared to me.

My thoughts-

Little does he know, God does have a backup plan. Thousands of years later, a “man” named Jesus will come on the scene. He will enter through a birth, like any ordinary man (only extremely unordinary.) His birth will be recorded but we will also be told that He is much older than that. In fact, He was there when the earth was created, He transcends age! He will grow like a man. He will have all the appearances, temptations, and problems of a man. He will be fully human, and yet, fully God.

He will be called “The Son of God.”

The Messiah.

Satan will try much harder to thwart God’s plan in Jesus but he will be greatly unsuccessful. Jesus will be the stronghold of all of mankind. He will be the strength when mankind is oh so weak. He will defy the world in that He won’t give in to it, not even for a second.

All the mass media and big macs in the world can’t stop Him!

He will conquer Satan because Satan won’t be able to stand against Him. In the story in Genesis it does look like Satan won the battle, but he didn’t win the war. He did destroy God’s perfect creation in us, but Jesus brought it back from the grave, and it will be stronger than ever!

And He did it with style.

Satan probably felt great when he turned Adam and Eve against God. Thats what he does. But, like sin, the feeling of accomplishment soon wears off and leaves you much emptier than ever. I wonder how he felt the next day? Or the next year? I wonder what he was thinking a few thousand years later when Jesus came into view?

What about when Jesus sacrificed His own life for us?

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