Saturday- From the “First Time Reader’s” Perspective
I think that this is a very odd story. God? Talking serpents? Does that mean snake? Or dragon? Or Lizard? This seems like a cartoon or that movie with the talking beaver and lion named Aslan. Its hard for me to believe this is actually true because the media has turned stuff like this into a joke my whole life. I’m not sure how I feel about the whole “God” thing anyway. Didn’t they do a documentary on discovery channel trying to disprove all this?
I have a lot of questions.
It’s weird because, at first glance, I pass this off as another “neat story,” but looking deeper I realize that there’s nothing “neat” about it. It’s actually rather messy. It actually... looks a lot like my life.
At this point I start to take it more seriously.
I put myself in their shoes. I would have done the same thing probably. And I probably would’ve felt the way they did.
And then it hits me, sometimes I do things in my life that don’t necessarily break the law or hurt anyone, but, I feel like I shouldn’t be doing them. I feel guilty for doing some things. I feel...
like they did.
Maybe there’s more to this story then a perfect world and a fast talking snake trying to sell me a bad apple.
Maybe this is my story.
But if it is, what do I do about it? How do I make the shame go away? How do I fix this problem? Can I even fix this problem? Is there hope?
Maybe I should read a little further to see how the story ends..
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